Axel Schultze
Founder and CEO of BlueCallom Corp., an AI-driven Neuro Innovation Management platform. Axel has exceptional entrepreneurial experience and is one of the rare entrepreneurs who founded two billion-dollar companies. He is an undisputed visionary and thinks far beyond the normal. He is a rules breaker and a notorious disrupter.
“I enjoy the fact that I have no more than 7 years of experience in anything. More would cause too much effort to re-train my neural connections.” :)
For the next 7 years, I’m entering again a new experience world: Neuroscience. Like the technology revolution before, the discoveries and understanding of how our brain works will – again – change our lives more radically than anything before.
Areas of Expertise
Speaker Profile Axel Schultze
Axel’s AI experience started in the mid-1970s with Eliza. It was an early natural language processing computer program created in the 1960s at MIT. She was designed to act as a psychotherapist, and people would “talk” to her, yet she wasn’t very sophisticated by today’s standards. Over the years he followed the AI summers and winters until in 2016 when DeepMind’s Alpha GO defeated the best human GO player and shortly after OpenAI was founded. Shortly after, during his Neuroscience studies between 2017 and 2019 he began to connect the dots between technical and biological neuronal networks. After an AI for Executives study at MIT he began to develop various concepts and one that has matured to today’s Neuro-AI-Fusion model. Neuro-AI-Fusion became the core concept for his work on Human Intelligence Augmentation and the aim to make it a reality. After over 10 years already retired, Axel Schultze and his wife Marita founded BlueCallom, a Generative AI Management Platform that offers prompt and agent development, testing and deployment, library management and an AI user workspace in one integrated platform. Prompts, Agents and Applications are primarily developed by independent partner organizations, the LLM is provided by companies like Open AI and an AI-Network was created to fuse AI and Web3 to a decentralized platform to distribute power and democratize knowhow. The economic complexity of such a platform is managed by a token-based business model so that sub-cent payments can be transacted at no cost.
After a few years of research, Axel Schultze saw a connection between recent discoveries in neuroscience and the unanswered question, “how is the human brain creating disruptive ideas.” Understanding that the brain cannot create any idea but compose past experiences into new experience models, he devoted all his time to understanding the brain’s behavior when composing such ideas. He compared his own ideation processes of the past and those of the startups he helped get innovative with today’s discoveries in the neuroscience field. He could develop a behavioral pattern that led to the Deep Innovation Design method. Recognizing that we are just scratching the surface of neuro ideation as a method, it seems like a fantastic starting point that already showed almost immediate successes. Today Neuro Ideation is a core methodology to unfold innovative ideas in 3-5 weeks. At the same time, it seems an epic process compared to 60 minutes of brainstorming – brainstorming has yet to create disruptive innovation.
1983 he disrupted the global distribution business model by creating a new business model that exclusively sold through authorized sales partners. What’s standard today was perceived to be impossible back then. His startup, Computer 2000, soon bypassed multi-hundred million $ international distributors with only $25,000 in seed capital. Ten years later, Computer 2000 grew to $5 Billion in revenue, by far the most prominent technology distributor in Europe and the third-largest in the world.
1996 he founded Infinigate, the first “Value Added Distributor,” a hybrid business model between high-volume product distribution and a service organization that delivers services and education for highly complex products. What was thought impossible is today’s largest high-end cyber-security provider in Europe.
1997 he built the first digital stock exchange in the world. He was the first to bring the concept of disruption to the financial services industry. He sold the company to the most prominent financial brokerage business in Germany to focus on Infinigate.
2001 he started BlueRoads with a back than disruptive Software as a Service model. He architected the first “multi-tenant networked architecture,” paving the way for multi-channel software as a service solution. He exited BlueRoads in 2007 and retired, helping young entrepreneurs to thrive.
2016 he began to research the act of innovation in greater detail to help startups become more innovative. He began to form methods for disruptive business model development successfully. In 2019 Axel and his wife founded the World Innovations Forum, and in 2020 BlueCallom applied neuroscience to the act of innovation.
Axel Schultze was founding, scaling, and successfully exiting four companies; the biggest grew to $5 Billion in revenue. All four were highly innovative and had disruptive business models. After that he and his wife began helping hundreds if not thousands of entrepreneurs from 30+ countries to better understand the concepts of entrepreneurship, building dream teams, creating unique solutions, bringing them to market, and becoming a contributor to their county’s economy and prosperity. Living most of his entrepreneurial life in Silicon Valley, he became a top expert in entrepreneurship.
Axel built the foundation for hat is todays largest multitier sales organization with hundreds of thousands of independent business partners. In 2006 he wrote the book “Channel Excellence” which is still purchased and read today.
Speaker Introduction
Introducing Axel Schultze
Axel Schultze is CEO of BlueCallom and chairman of the World Innovations Forum. He founded two highly innovative multi-billion dollar companies. He founded the first digital stock exchange in 1997 and the first enterprise-grade SaaS company in 1999 in Silicon Valley. He then helped young startups develop innovative businesses with the World Innovations Forum. In 2020 he founded BlueCallom and created an innovation framework and AI-driven software, for Disruptive Innovation and Business Transformation. empowering business leaders to transform their companies into continuously innovative organizations. Today he focuses on the future of Generative AI, Neuro-AI-Fusion and Human Intelligence Augmentation. He recently was nominated for the German Innovation Award.
Alternative Speaker Intro
Speaker Profile Axel Schultze
Axel Schultze is the founder and CEO of BlueCallom Corp., focusing on Innovation and Transformation with Generative AI and Neuro-AI-Fusion. He is one of the rare entrepreneurs founding two multi-billion-dollar companies. Axel spent most of his business life in Silicon Valley. He is a published author, patent holder, is nominated for the 2024 German Innovation Award, and was named one of the globally most influential startup accelerators in 2015. He won the SF Entrepreneur Award in 2008, and was an early adviser of LinkedIn. He started his career as a software engineer at Rockwell International, California working on Space Shuttle projects.
High Res Photo
Full biography
Speaker Profile Axel Schultze
Axel Schultze is the founder and CEO of BlueCallom Corp., an AI-driven Neuro Innovation Management Platform. He is one of the rare entrepreneurs founding two multi-billion-dollar companies. He started Computer 2000, the worlds largest tech distributor, Webstock, the worlds first digital stock exchange, Infinigate, today the worlds second largest cyber security provider, and BlueRoads, the most successful Enterprise Channel Sales Software as a Service. After a deep dive into neuroscience Axel found out how the brain composes ideas and how it can be stimulated. Combined with his own experience of building disruptive companies, he founded BlueCallom in 2020 empowering visionaries to deliver not only breakthrough innovation but bring them successfully to global markets.
Axel spent most of his business life in Silicon Valley and after retirement in 2014, he helped startups thrive and get more innovative, and reach their full potential as entrepreneurs.
Axel is a published author and was granted patent 9514997 for sales lead management process, by the US Patent Office. He is nominated for the 2024 German Innovation Award, was named one of the globally most influential startup accelerators in 2015, won the SF Entrepreneur Award in 2008. He chaired the SaaS Channel Committee at the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), was an early adviser of LinkedIn in 2003.
Speaking Engagements
Axel Schultze held countless keynotes and other speaking engagements. Here are some of the TV and Keynote speech engagements:
- Keynote, Generative-AI in multi-tier Sales at GSFT24, Barcelona, 2024
- Keynote, AI based innovation at Swiss Inno Forum, Basel, 2023
- Keynote Innovation Roundtable Conference 2022
- TEDx Talk, Wonders of the innovative mind, 2020
- Opening Keynote at Techfest Vietnam, 2019
- TEDx Talk, University of Arts and Applied Science Lucerne, 2019
- Keynotes, at various entrepreneurship events in Asia, 2018
- Keynote, World Tourism Forum, Lucerne, 2017
- Keynote, HighTech Venture Days, Dresden, 2015
- Panelist, Munich Startup Festival 2015
- Panelist, Capitals Business Circle, Berlin, 2014
- Keynote, Thought Leadership Live, Palo Alto, CA 2014
- Keynote, IOT Conference, San Francisco, CA 2014
- Keynote, Silicon Valley Crowdfunding, San Mateo, CA 2013
- Keynote at Digital Agenda 2012, Brussels – European Commission, 2012
- Keynote at ITAC 2010, Melbourne, Australia, 2010
- TV Interviews at Bloomberg, 1998
- Keynote at Microsoft Partner conference, 1997
Countless speeches and keynotes at tech conferences
Engaging Axel
Keynote, Panelist
Innovation Management, Deep Innovation Design, Design Thinking, Neuro Ideation and Entrepreneurship, Venture Investing, Artificial Intelligence Impact, Indirect Channel Management.
Artificial Intelligence
MIT Sloan School of Management
Financial Controller Academy Gauting
Controllers Diploma
Management School Bad Harzburg
Marketing Strategies
University of Stuttgart / Institute for Plasma Physics
Electronic Engineering
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