This is also about civil courage, which too many lack. Six years ago, I wrote about 2019 as an ‘interesting year to come‘. Little did I know what was really coming. I just had this feeling. Abusing or Defending Political Power The 333 rule addresses social and political human group behavior. It was derived from the […]

As an Entrepreneur, I have this gifted ability to focus. After retiring in 2008, having time to sail, and spending time with startups, I also used to update my blog here and there. That changed in 2020 when I had this epiphany about how our brain composes ideas. I didn’t know what to expect – […]

You have an idea and want to build a startup but don’t know how to make it take off. I guess this is my best summary without telling you step-by-step. Step by step is a good technique to teach workers to do an excellent and repeatable task. A terrible help for entrepreneurs.   Wanting to […]

Somebody asked me an interesting question on Quora, and I thought I share my answer here: QUESTION: Could business be on the precipice of an automation explosion? Precipice? No. Automation is on a “normal” exponential growth. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION The degree of Industrial automation (meaning production) in Europe and several Asian countries is at over 80% […]

Neben unserem Haus ist ein Kindergarten. Da wird geschrien gestürzt, gemalt, dummes Zeig gemacht. Dann geen sie zur Schule da wird ruhing gesessen, manmuss aufpassen und tun was Lehrer sagen. Später im Gymnasium oder wie auch immer es heute heisst muss viel gelernt werden. bis es einem zum Hals rauss hängt. Learn & Repeat ist […]

This was an interesting Question on Quora: Do entrepreneurs really “create wealth”? The money they earn already exists beforehand and would have gone to other pockets. That’s not “wealth creation” but “wealth changing hands” Yes, entrepreneurs do create wealth. In fact, entrepreneurs are the group that actually creates wealth in its truest sense. Wealth is created […]