Entries by AxelS

FriendFeed grows

There is an interesting dynamic at friendfeed. I joined the service about a year ago. And used it as feeds aggregator. That was helpful so I could track less people than I have in my various networks but all together. Now FriendFeed has grown – big time. I can now use it as Microblog and […]

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Social Media – moving from playful to strategic

Cisco, IBM, Walmart, Wholefoods, Starbucks and others invest millions in their social web presence. The investment is more on the human resource side than on systems. They don’t advertise what they are doing but they are moving fast. The Social Media Academy provides some insight in this week’s complimentary webinar http://www.socialmedia-academy.com/html/introwebinar.cfm – The impact of […]

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Technology, Not War, a perspective for Publishers

As sad as it is, industrial media killed itself. It is NOT the Internet or technology for that matter that killed publishers it is the change of their business model from independent content circulation to advertising distribution. A publisher used to make money by providing a given audience latest news, well researched and easy to […]

Quo Vadis Facebook?

The social networking company is looking for money – lots of money. How many do they really need and what then? 2007 estimated headcount 450 2008 estimated headcount 8002008 estimated cash flow negative $150MMAbove numbers reported by TechCrunch 2009 estimated headcount 1,200That translates to a cost structure of roughly $200,000,000 (200MM)With revenues (I don’t see […]


Generation Y

Y is after X – it’s that simple. But Y is very different!!!! 97% own a Personal Computer94% own a cell phone75% of the college students have a social network account About 76 Million are entering the job space right now.Businesses better get ready to know about the power and connectivity of that generation. If […]

Social Media – where do you go

Social media has been an interesting ride. Unlike technology that was pushed into the market and a lot of ad dollars made it well known – it was the opposite. The market picked it up and then many asked – what happened? Every once in a while things change at speed of light and many […]


Recession 2.0

This is my personal observation on our current economic situation. (2007) We call an economic melt down “Recession”, when we don’t know the origin of the situation. We call a Recession a ”Depression” if we failed to find the reason and continue the way we did in the past We don’t know what we don’t […]

Alternative Financing

I came across an interesting white paper put together by SaaS-Capital and ThinkStrategies: “Understanding the Financial Implications of the SaaS Business Model.” It doesn’t need to be always Venture Capital. Also I set down with a fellow CEO this morning discussing the implications of his highly engaged and emotional investors. Three investors own 52% of […]

The decadence of Venture Capital

Venture capital is out. The financial world is evolving and so are investment strategies. In a recent post Guy Kawasaki pledged for focusing on inexperienced entrepreneurs. About a week ago I was on a panel with Henry Wong from Garage Ventures inviting everybody who want to start a company to grab his business card. His […]

Happy New Year 2007

With the beginning of the new year and changes in the blog software I’m experimenting with a new Blog for Xeequa and updating this blog. The new software for Blogger is pretty cool – B U T as I converted it to the new format I guess I lost a lot of the old customizations […]

Web 2.007 (Web two dot oo seven)

And of course – in the typical spirit of Silicon Valley – here are some more predictions: – YouTube will have much more users then MySpace– Web 2.0 will enter the business world– LinkedIn will go public– Investments in traditional software will be next to nothing end of 07– The number of Internet users: 1 […]

SIIA OnDemand Conference

An interesting conference – somewhat competing with Saascon in San Francisco. While Saascon was directed to SaaS End Consumer and bringing SaaS closer to the broader public, “OnDemand” was a conference for industry leaders discussing the future of SaaS. The first few presentations reflected the clear trends and expectations that SaaS is going mainstream and […]